Hearth, Herbals & Sound May 2020 Hello Kind Hearts, Community and unity. Plants work in community. Tree roots will graft with the roots of completely different tree species, and this impacts the trees in really incredible ways. Larger trees who have a deeper and extensive root system are able to share the minerals and water from deeper down with younger trees who have shallow roots. It's also possible that through their grafted roots, trees of different species are also sharing their own unique constituents with other tree species to keep the community safe as a whole.
Fungi have a deeply harmonious relationship with the tree roots that they cover. What we often see as competition in the forest, can really be seen as cooperative and synergetic. There is a balance that is unique to each ecosystem, whether it's a hardwood forest, evergreen or open meadow. Trees are pulling up the minerals & sugars from their roots up, up into their trunks so they can begin the transformation from quiet rest to being able to gather-in as much sunlight as they can. But one can pause and ask, were they ever really in quiet rest?
Everything is moving. Every little molecule and their little atoms all move, and therefore, all of them are creating sound. Each tree has been quietly singing it's own song during these long winter months, and now with the rush of sugar and nutrients moving through their trunk, they have moved from sweet lullabies to a glorious chorus. Maybe that's why the birds sing with such enthusiasm in the early mornings.....not just for a mate, but to sing along with the trees on whom they sit. I'd like to encourage my human community to take a closer look at the offering of our local plant communities. I invite you to spend some time getting to know our trees and to learn about their essential oils. These trees are breathing the same air that you and I are sharing. They are breathing in the same bacteria, molds, viruses, pollution and microbes. They make constituents (specific molecules) in response to all of these things that they are breathing in. They are our allies. I have deep admiration for Pine, Black Spruce, Hemlock, and Juniper. These humble plants may not seem exotic because they are found here, but they have much, much to offer. In gratitude for our trees and the air that they are continually filtering for us, for the oxygen they give, for the very settled lives that they live, I am going to introduce you to Larch. Larch offers unique attributes as a Bach Remedy. It lends itself to cultivating well-placed confidence.
Ts’iiheenjoo Tamarack and Larch Tree Medicine
....And so they stand, having been planted by the Great Spirit, to stand tall, live long, offer Medicines to those that walk and fly. To share the magnificence that was gifted to them by the Creator......
The Tamarack, an indigenous tree to Canada, along with it’s cousin the European Larch, are of the very few coniferous deciduous trees. It is told that long ago, Tamarack was able to keep its needles throughout the dark and cold of winter. He was a tall and majestic tree who lost his height and needles after the Creator saw that he did not offer shelter to birds in desperate need. Tamarack was able to redeem himself through becoming a servant to the Indigenous People. The Creator was pleased and bestowed upon Tamarack great Medicines to offer to the People and a beautiful display of colour before his needles are shed every fall. Tamarack is able to grow in the Far North in muskeg (boggy wetlands composed of decaying material which is low in oxygen and acidic). As bogs dry, they leave space for other trees. Tamarack absorbs the constituents from the muskeg which it converts into Medicines that can be utilized by People. Both Larch and Tamarack are able to grow in poor soil in other locations as well. They were the first to help the greening of the land after the glaciers receded. Despite being able to tolerate poor soil, they do not grow well in polluted areas and they have a huge appetite for sunlight. Tamarack and Larch are able to have early beginnings in poor soil, in cold climates, and with little other vegetation around them, however, they cannot compromise on the light requirements that are needed and the amount of air pollution around them. As People who often come from less than nurturing beginnings, it is really important to consider that as we grow, we need to be mindful of the Greater Light (sunshine) and Spirit (air) that we have in our lives. It is possible that despite how things have started, we are capable of offering great medicines despite the environments we began in.
Reflection Questions: -Am I able to honour and find ways to express the gifts that I carry? -What weaknesses am I able to surrender to and which ones can I transcend? -Am I able to support myself the way that I support others? -Despite the soil I have started from, how am I able to add much needed Sunlight to my life?
Sound for our Community Being Provided For Re-Visiting the Lighthouse, this is written as a metaphorical story using hypnosis. It is focusing on re-framing feelings and perceptions with metaphor and visualization. I've used a couple of singing bowls for anchoring: There are always unseen helpers, you are being cared for and taken care of. You are provided for. Your needs are met in timely ways. There is the element of bringing in some anxiety or discomfort, while at the same time re-framing it through metaphor.
Peace within the Chaos This meditation is written for those parents at home with young children, a lot of noise, a lot of stuff around......This. Is. For. You. Motherhood is a spiritual bootcamp. Having three boys I hear your need for some quiet and a way to turn down the volume. I've tried to keep the meditation short. You are in my heart!
Services over the coming months ~I'll continue to provide monthly newsletters and have a MP3 attached of complimentary meditations or the flute. ~Complimentary lotion for lung, respiratory & immune support for front-line workers or those with compromised immune systems (health care staff, store clerks, etc.) This is applied during the onset of symptoms. It's complimentary from me. Just text or email and I'll set it out the front door for you to pick-up. It can be for yourself or a friend......but stock is limited (due to high-demand of essential oils). It's antiviral, decongestant, supports the immune system, and has a very high absorption rate. ~Complimentary tea. Has the great properties mentioned with the lotion. You are my community. You are serving others, let me be of service to you.
~If you have a box of essential oils and you are wondering how to use them safely, send a pic and we can have a phone chat about them. I'll talk about how to blend them safely for those in your home for a variety of concerns, you can take notes as I talk. This is not info to be resold please. This is for supporting my community and home-healing so we can reduce those needing medical services if we can. ~Distance Healing with Vibrational Medicine and Prayer - I have a daily practice and include those I know or requests. I do not give intuitive feedback for people unless guided to do so, as I am spending time on general caregiving practices for those around me. ~Community Sound Circles, Workshops & Classes will start-up when appropriate and safe to do so! Co-facilitators and myself received a huge amount of support and positive feedback for the spring workshops, so we'll let you know when & what we are offering.
My heart has been lifted so many times by the unity of friends and neighbors over the last month. Such goodness. Such kindness. I have been gifted over and over with generosity of spirit, enthusiasm, encouragement, and inspiration. As much as my prayer time is full for my global community, my reserves of gratitude is filled so my heart is balanced and whole. That in itself is something to be thankful for.
Unity.....Being unified with self, with others, with the Divine. Taking this time to grow with where we've been planted for this time being. Taking heart that your good thoughts, good vibes and prayers are serving others in ways you may never see, but you are having a tremendous impact on those around you. If you are having a hard time right now, please reach out. We may not be sharing the same part of the forest, but we are meant to live in community. To support each other. To be in healing relationships with those around us.
Keeping you in my heart and prayers, Many Blessings, Sarah