Introducing a 5 evening series that is a collection of herbal education, Aromatherapy, Homeopathic application, tissue salts, Bach Flower remedies and group participation.
Where:Borealis Naturopathic Centre 615 Davis Drive, Suite 302, Newmarket (free parking for clients and participants) Cost:$100.00 for the series or $25.00 drop-in. Full payment is required to hold your spot. Maximum six participants. When: 7-9pm on Mondays April 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 Contact: 905-830-1236office email: [email protected]
April 13thHerbs of Nurturing Restorative rest and nourishment are paramount for our body's ability to heal, recuperate, and establish reserves. This evening is dedicated to encouraging nurturing ourselves in ways that are sustaining, as we acknowledge the importance of caring for ourselves as we tend to the needs of others.
April 20thHerbs of Communication As we know, communication is more then words. Communication is in our tone, our frame of mind, our body language, our intent and in the silence behind the words. Speaking from a place of being centered supports our ability to convey our messages, even when we grapple for the exact words we wish to express. The intent for the evening is to look at essential oils and Homeopathics that can shift our perception and support a healthier place of expression.
April 27thHerbs of Refreshment It is those who are able to think outside of the box that make new developments, resolve conflicts, bridge gaps, and inspire others. We tend to look outside of ourselves for these pearls of inspiration, when often we are unaware of the amazing inspiration that others see in us. With a breath of fresh air, this evening is to refresh our own gifts and outlook as we head into the mid-spring and the beginnings of summer.
May 4thHerbs of Fortitude Fortitude is a noun, not an adjective. It is not something we describe, it is something we are. The definition includes: “mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously”. Fortitude is about resilience and mettle. Fortitude is something we cultivate from within.
May 11thHerbs of Quiet Power It is in the quiet stillness that we often see the magnitude of creation and healing. Seedlings grow into massive trees without any noise.....that we can hear. They are large established plants that offer whole intricate ecosystems to insects, creatures and other types of flora. All of this, from a single seed. This evenings topic is about honoring our own quiet power, and having a glimpse of the essence that we carry for ourselves and extend to the world around us.
Participants will receive: Either a blend or ointment on each evening to match the oils we are discussing. There will also be a full color & informative booklet, along with opportunity for hands-on experience that includes blending carrier oils, preparing a personal Bach Flower Remedy, and an intuitive essential oil blend. Tea is offered during the discussion.
Topics during the series include: -What is an essential oil, where they come from, and how they are extracted. -How does aromatherapy work, dilutions and safety -Carrier oils and Hydrosols -Homeopathy: Acute application -Bach Flower Remedies -Creating a personalized Bach Flower Remedy -Tissue salts -Intuitive blending -Tibetan Singing Bowls -We will be looking at the physical and spiritual attributes of German & Roman Chamomile, Yarrow, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Sweet Thyme, Clary Sage, Calendula and Infused Oils
**Please know that promoting of brand(s) and promoting their forms of application/usage will be discouraged. I am an independent Clinical Aromatherapist, and will discuss several companies that are worth exploring and what to look for when purchasing your own oils. The intent for the series is education & self-care that is being recognized and taught internationally. The series I put on are engaging, creative, fun, grounding, encouraging and inspiring! Together we create the intent to set the space for learning and wholesome discussion.