Essential Oils to Not Use during Pregnancy and Lactation
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or using the essential oils on or around young children, it is especially important to be sure the oils you are using are safe for you to use. Although there is not much information out there on exactly if and how much of the essential oil constituents cross the placenta, it’s safe to assume it does cross the placenta and can affect the growing baby.
Here are some general guidelines for essential oil use during pregnancy and lactation:
daily use of any essential oils are not recommended – limiting use to relieving nausea or insomnia is preferred
topical use should be limited to a 1% dilution over large areas and no more than 3% for small areas. Using oils “neat” (undiluted) is never recommended
steam inhalation should be used with caution – diffusion is preferred
internal use is never advised
avoid the use of any absolutes or solvent-extracted essential oils (avoiding synthetic fragrance oils goes without saying)
The following essential oils are NOTrecommended for use during both pregnancyand lactation / breastfeeding unless otherwise noted (those marked with a * can be used at a low dilution with caution):
AnisePimpinella anisum due to the constituents anethole (6) and safrole (10)
Araucaria Neocallitropsis pancheri
Artemisia Artemisia vestita
Atractylis Atractylylodes lancea
* Lemon BasilOcimum x citriodorum due to the constituent citral (9)
BirchBetula lenta due to the constituent methyl salicylate (3)
CamphorCinnamomum camphora due to the constituent camphor (1) and safrole (10)
Carrot SeedDaucus carota as it may prevent implantation and interfere with gestation
CassiaCinnamomum cassia as it may cause toxicity to the embryo
Chaste TreeVitex ugnus castus
Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum verum as it may cause toxicity to the embryo, and due to the constituent safrole (10)
Cypress (blue) – Callitris intratopica
Dill SeedAnethum graveolens due to the constituent apiole (4)
Fennel (Bitter, Sweet)Foeniculum vulgare due to the constituent anethole (6); possibly carcinogenic due to estragole content
FeverfewTanacetum parthenium
* FrankincenseBoswellia papyrifera due to the constituent octyl acetate
Genipi Artemisia genepi
HibawoodThujopsis dolobratta
Ho LeafCinnamomum camphora due to the constituents camphor (1) and safrole (10)
HyssopHyssopus officinalis due to the constituent pinocamphone
Indian Dill SeedAnethus sowa due to the constituent apiole (4)
LanyunaArtemisia afra due to thujone content (7)
French/Spanish Lavender Lavandula stoechas due to the constituents fenchone and camphor (1)
* Australian Lemon Balm Eucalyptus staigeriana due to the constituent citral (9)
* Lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus due to the constituent citral (9) Avoid during pregnancy; ok for use during breastfeeding.
* May Chang Litsea cubeba due to the constituent citral (9) Avoid during pregnancy; ok for use during breastfeeding.
MugwortArtemisia vulgaris, Artemisia arborescens due to the constituent thujone (7)
MyrrhCommiphora myrrha due to the constituent elemene (8); may be fetotoxic
MyrtleBackhousia anisata due to the constituent anethole (6)
* Honey MyrtleMelaleuca teretifolia due to the constituent citral (9) Avoid during pregnancy; ok for use during breastfeeding.
* Lemon MyrtleBackhousia citriodora due to the constituent citral (9) Avoid during pregnancy; ok for use during breastfeeding.
NutmegMysristica fragrans due to the constituents myristicin and safrole (10)
OreganoOriganum onites (and other species) due to embryotoxicity
Parsley Leaf or SeedPetroslinum sativum due to the constituent apiole (4)
PennyroyalMentha pulegium due to the constituent pulegone metaboli (5)
Plectranthus Plectranthus fruticosus due to possible fetotoxicity
RosemaryRosmarinus officinalis due to the constituent camphor (1)
RueRuta graveolens due to short-chain ketones
Dalmatian SageSalvia officinalis due to the constituent thujone (7)
Spanish SageSalvia lavandulaefolia due to the constituent sabinyl acetate (2)
Star AniseIllicium verum
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare due to the constituent thujone (7)
* Lemon Tea Tree Leptospermum petersonii due to the constituent citral (9) Avoid during pregnancy; ok for use during breastfeeding.
ThujaThuja occidentalis due to the constituent thujone (7)
* Lemon ThymeThymus x citriodorus due to the constituent citral (9)
* Lemon Verbena Aloysia triphylla due to the constituent citral (9)
Western Red Cedar Thuja plicata
WintergreenGaultheria procumbens due to the constituent methyl salicylate (3)
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium due to the constituents thujone (7), sabinyl acetate (2), and camphor (1)
YarrowAchillea millefolium, Achillea nobilis due to various constituents
ZeodaryCurcuma sedoaria
(1) camphor is known to cross the placenta and become very toxic to the growing baby. Avoid all internal and topical use during pregnancy. (2) sabinyl acetate causes abortions and/or deformities in fetuses. Avoid all internal and external use during pregnancy. In addition to those marked above, sabinyl acetate is found in Savin (Juniperus sabina) and Juniper (Juniperus pfitzeriana). NOTE: Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) does not contain sabinyl acetate and is safe for use during pregnancy. (3) methyl salicylate causes deformities in developing mammals at high oral doses. Avoid all internal use and limit external use during pregnancy. (4) apiole is an abortifacient, and not recommended for internal or external use during pregnancy. (5) pulegone metaboli can cause liver toxicity for the mother, and is not recommended for internal use; limit external use. In addition to Pennyroyal, this constituent is also found in Peppermint, Spearmint, Buchu, Cornmint, and Calamint. (6) anethole can prevent implantation. (7) thujone is neurotixic (8) elemene can restrict blood vessel growth (9) citral is teratogenic, which means it can cause malformations to the baby
safrole can cause kidney and liver tumors to develop in the baby. It is recommended that all internal use of safrole-contaning essential oils should be avoided, and external use limited. Actual safrole content varies, so please check the GC/MS reports for exact percentages in the oils you will be using.